Norfolk Churches
Norfolk has more medieval churches per acre than any other rural area in the world. They are renowned for the glory of their architecture and for the way in which they form part of a wider landscape. Yet they are not all the same. It is just as easy to find small Norman churches as […]
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Each church tour is tailored to suit your requirements. They are suitable for groups such as NADFAS, WI and U3A, or for historical societies and clubs. You choose the area you would like to visit and the churches and itinerary are put together for you. John will make sure each church is open and available […]
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John Vigar
John Vigar is one of this country`s leading ecclesiastical historians. Following a career in academia John worked for 13 years in the south-east region of The Churches Conservation Trust and he is a Trustee of a national charity, The Friends of Friendless Churches. He is a member of the Advisory Council of The Norfolk Churches Trust […]
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